The 6 Global Agreements of the WEvolution
The Six Global Agreements of the WEvolution:
Authored by Larisa Stow, with insightful contributions from Laurie Goldstein, and the
beloved WEspace.
1. Plug into source daily: Meditation/mindfulness, breathwork, yoga, mantra, visualization,
prayer, peacemaking, and forgiveness work are examples. Forgiving ourselves and each other
clears and opens our hearts, deepening our connection to ourselves, to each other and to spirit.
Just as Olympic athletes train rigorously, so, too must we strengthen our spiritual muscles,
deepening our connection to Source and expanding our energetic capacities. Daily spiritual
practice is the practice of love.
2. Cultivate Courageous Vulnerability: Be authentic. Allow people to see your struggle, to see
your humanity. Take off your social mask. Dare to be transparent. You allow others to contribute
more to you when you do, creating deeper connection in your relationships.
3. Lead with Compassionate Curiosity: When you find yourself judging, defending your
position, becoming critical, or self-righteous step back and observe. Put in the effort to see
through another’s eyes. Get curious about how they came to be the person/personality they are
today. What shaped their consciousness and perceptions? What informed their beliefs? What
are the needs and values driving their unconscious behaviors and their conscious choices? The
more you understand how a person came to be who they are, the more compassion and
empathy you can hold for them. Genuinely care about their wellbeing.
4. Practice Radical Self-Acceptance: Compassionately witness your critical thoughts. How
can you be even more kind to yourself? Even the inner judge needs compassion and kindness.
Deeply listen to the inner voices of your wounding—seek to understand, allow, heal and
transform. Practice accepting the parts of yourself that feel unlovable. Speak with as much
kindness to these parts of self as you would to your beloved or a newborn baby. The more you
accept disowned aspects of yourself, the easier it will be for you to have compassion for others.
5. Respect Each Other: You don’t have to agree with another’s beliefs to be thoughtful and
considerate in your communication. Refrain from yelling, using words and body language that
objectify, generalize, or dehumanize. Use language that creates connection, rather than
black/white, right/wrong dialog. Before you engage in conversation, get clear on your own
motivation in the exchange. Are you sharing to affirm how you think/feel, and to change
someone’s opinion, or are you allowing the space to create deeper understanding and
6. Play together: Get out there and play. Make music together. Find the humor in life. Dream,
build and create with those who are fun and inspiring. Play fuels the imagination and sparks out-
of-the-box thinking and solutions. Play improves relationships- it inspires deeper connection and
bonding with others. Play creates rapport as you come into more sympathetic resonance with
one another through fun and laughter. It teaches cooperation. Play is one of the highest forms of