
YOU, me, and a tribe of seekers and healers create a powerful vortex. Going to Bali on vacation as a tourist can be pretty awesome … but it doesn’t compare to the juiciness of going with a group of wondrous, open-hearted, deep-diving, courageous love warriors! The group holds a powerful container to drop deeper into spirit and the epic now.
Not only will we explore the outer Bali, with its beautiful temples, culture, and environment; we are also going on a sacred adventure to explore our inner Bali – fully embodying each chakra, its related deities, elements, and seed sounds. Our whole itinerary and excursions are built around playing with these energies. And because we have frickin’ ELEVEN WHOLE DAYS to play with, we have ample time to push our edges and feel into these inner magical realms. Can you tell how excited I am?
Here’s what’s included in your adventure:
Daily Yoga
Riding the Dragon
Mantra Immersion
Sunrise Boat Ride
Sacred Temples
Monkey Forest
Beautiful Beaches
Massage Bodywork
Healing Hot Springs
Powerful Playshops
Transformational Rituals

What makes our Bali Bliss Retreat adventure so profoundly special? Everything!
First and foremost, Bali herself is irresistible. The Balinese put spirit above all else. Their devotion to God and mysticism is expressed in a multitude of ways. Streets are closed for rituals, stores put out prayer baskets every day as offerings for the deities, and incense billows down the city sidewalks. Black and white checkered fabric covers statues and architecture, expressing the important balance of shadow and light within humanity. Statues of Hindu Gods fill the streets, greeting passers-by; reminding us that spirit is all around and within us. In Bali, the stage is already set for deep soul diving.

The artistic and bohemian heartbeat of Bali is Ubud, where we will spend our first two days/nights and our last three days/nights, perfectly book-ending our six days and nights in Tejakula,a beautiful beach town in Northern Bali.

In case you want to check out our lovely accommodations on the internet, here are the links.
Our “rest and renew” center in Ubud is Ananda Cottages, a beautiful Balinese gem. In Tejakula, we’ll be staying at Gaia Oasis, where every hut has a beautiful view of the ocean. Gaia Oasis is so sought-after that I usually have to book it a year and a half in advance!
In my opinion, this space is beyond breathtaking, and the perfect location to do our deeper soul work.
Upon arriving, you will receive a packet of info that includes our list of scheduled activities, but I thought you might enjoy taking a peek at one of our past Bali Bliss Bound itineraries:

Bali is the Queen of Ritual. We love that about her, as we too will be using ritual to deepen our transformational experience. Ritual creates a powerful bridge between our conscious and unconscious mind, giving transformational experiences a place to root and integrate into our daily lives.

Play, Rest, Restore, and Renew are all on our Balinese menu.
Self-care is self-love in action! Our first stop after arriving in Bali is the Venezia Spa in Ubud, where a local Balinese masseuse will pamper you with a rejuvenating massage. I can tell you from experience that there’s nothing better than a massage after journeying across the world! I believe the best way to ground into a new culture is to connect and receive love from the people of that area. The cost for the trip includes two massages – because you deserve to be loved up!
We have an amazing itinerary planned for our adventure — and there will also be plenty of unplanned time where you can rest by the pool or ocean, write in your journal, get another massage, shop for beautiful Balinese jewelry, art, and clothing, or do whatever tickles your fancy!

So what’s the cost? $3,300- includes all meals, accommodations, and excursions.
Please send your $1,100.00 deposit via check to reserve your spot:
Larisa Stow
202 Termino Avenue
Long Beach, CA 90803
Or you can make your deposit through Venmo at: @Larisa-Stow-Norman
or PayPal via my email address: [email protected]
(or you can scan the QR codes in the graphic)
…and please assign your payment under “Family/Friends” as PayPal will take a big cut if you don’t!
And everyone who comes with me to Bali ends up family & friends anyway, in a big way 💛🙏💛
If you have any questions about our retreat I would love to chat and tune in with you.
Please feel free to give me a call on my cell phone: 562-900-3095.
Bali, here we come!!!
With love and gratitude,
~ Larisa ~